Idea to Product Competition,Hosted by University of Texas at Austin

The John Heine Entrepreneurial Challenge Hosted by Queensland University of Technology

Georgia Bowl,Hosted by Kennesaw State University

Cardinal Challenge,Hosted by the University of Louisville

UC Spirit of Enterprise MBA Business Plan Competition Hosted by the University of Cincinnati

Northwest Venture Championship, Hosted by Boise State University

University of San Francisco International Business Plan Competition Hosted by the University of San Francisco

Camino Real Venture Competition,Hosted by University of Texas at El Paso

FGV Latin Moot Corp Competition,Hosted by Fundacao Getulio Vargas

Thammasat Asia Moot Corp Competition,Hosted by Thammasat University

Venture Challenge,Hosted by San Diego State University

McGinnis Venture Competition,Hosted by Carnegie Mellon University

Technology Commercialization Venture Championship Hosted by the IC² Institute and WBTshowcase

Wake Forest Elevator Competition,Hosted by Wake Forest University

IBK Capital Ivey Business Plan Competition Hosted by University of Western Ontario

Stuart Clark Venture Challenge,Hosted by University of Manitoba

Utah Entrepreneur Challenge,Hosted by University of Utah

New Ventures World Competition,Hosted by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln

New Venture Championship,Hosted by University of Oregon

Uniandes Moot Corp Business Plan Competition

Rice University Business Plan Competition

OFC Venture Challenge,Hosted by Fayetteville State University

MOOT Corp Global Competition,Hosted by the University of Texas at Austin

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